Wednesday 10 October 2012

How to Restore a Acer Aspire One Netbook to Factory Settings

How to Restore a Acer Aspire One Netbook to Factory Settings

I have had this netbook for almost a year now and since this laptop is slowing down and I need to sell it I needed to completely restore it to how I first bought it. I have been having trouble finding a website to give me this information and I have been looking through the laptops manuals that had come with the laptop and it didn't say anything about restoring the laptop. Follow my easy steps and hopefully this will help you to restore your laptop.
Step One:
1. Copy any data (documents, music, photos, videos ect) onto a removeably USB drive that you can insert into the laptop. As during this restore process you will lose anything you have saved since you bought it.
Step Two:
2. Restart the computer by clicking on the start button, then clicking the arror beside the word 'Shut Down' on the bottom right corner on the 'Start' menu and select 'Restart'.
Step Three:
3. After your laptop screen becomes black during restarting then it turns into the 'Acer' startup logo:
As soon as you see this logo, hold the Alt Key then press F10
 Until the Acer eRecovery menu appears:
Select the factory restore button with should be the top option.
Step Four:
4. It should remind you that all data will be lost during the system restore. Just click ok. After this it should just restore by itself with many take a few minutes to an hour (it should let you know the time remaining). After a while it will ask you about the time, date, language, account ect. settings. Just chose the ones to suit you. After, it should download some more then its done!
I really hope this is helpful to anyyone who needs this information.
Please let me know what you think.
Thanks from Tash

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